Command Line HelpΒΆ

'guerilla' and 'render' executables can be used in command line, and accept various options.


guerilla is the main executable file to run the GUI. It can run scripts and commands directly from the command line. It can also run without GUI.

guerilla --help

Display the help message

guerilla --version

Display the version id

guerilla [--nogui] [gproject] [scripts] [--cmd <command>] [--pycmd <command>]

Start Guerilla, load the provided Guerilla project, execute scripts and eventually execute commands.

scripts are Lua or Python script files to be executed before the --cmd/--pycmd commands. Files which extension is 'py' are treated as Python, Lua otherwise.

--nogui runs Guerilla without GUI and quits after the scripts and the commands are executed.

--cmd <command> executes command as a Lua script.

--pycmd <command> executes command as a Python script.

--nogui runs Guerilla without GUI and quits after scripts and commands are executed.


guerilla /a/path/to/my/project.gproject

Start Guerilla and open the project.gproject.

guerilla --nogui "/a/path/to/my/script.lua" --cmd "myCustomFunction()"

Start Guerilla without GUI, then execute script.lua file and eventually execute function myCustomFunction supposedly defined in script.lua file.

guerilla --cmd "loaddocument('/a/path/to/my/project.gproject')"

Start Guerilla without GUI, and open project.gproject Guerilla project.

guerilla --nogui /a/path/to/my/project.gproject --cmd "render('batch')"

Start Guerilla without GUI, open the project.gproject and then start the render.

Specific to Windows

To invoke guerilla from command line, it is advisable to rather use guerillaBatch instead of directly guerilla, as guerillaBatch will output to the console and will wait for the command to fully proceed before returning the hand to the calling batch/command line.


render is the main executable file to run render images and perform other rendering processes.

render --help

Display the help message

render --version

  • Display the version id

    render [--progress <progressmsg>] rib

    Render a rib file. If --progress is present, progression is displayed with the given message where %d is assumed to be the progression state from 0 to 100. Example: render --progress "PROGRESS: %d" /path/to/my/ribfile.rib

    render --buildtex --in <in> --mode <mode> --filter <filter> [--channel <channel>] [--compression <mode>] [--out <out>]

    Build a texture from an input bitmap, a mode and a filter

    --in <in> specifies the input bitmap to build

    --mode <mode> specifies the clamping mode for 2d maps:

    • ww : u wrap and v wrap
    • cw : u clamp and v wrap
    • wc : u wrap and v clamp
    • cc : u clamp and v clamp

    for environment maps:

    • cubeuppz for cross environment maps
    • latlong for latitude longitude environment maps
    • ball for ball environment maps

    --filter <filter> specifies the filter : box, triangle, gaussian or bspline

    --channel <channel> specifies the texture channel to build

    --compression <mode> specifies the compression mode to use :

    • none : EXR no compression
    • rle : EXR run length encoding
    • zipslines : EXR compression, one scan line at a time (default for EXR deep images)
    • zipsblocks : EXR compression, in blocks of 16 scan lines (default for EXR images)
    • piz : EXR piz-based wavelet compression
    • pxr24 : EXR lossy 24-bit float compression
    • b44 : EXR lossy 4-by-4 pixel block compression, fixed compression rate
    • b44a : EXR lossy 4-by-4 pixel block compression, flat fields are compressed more

    --out <out> specifies the optional output directory

    render --imageinfo <filename>

    Print the image informations and metadata.

    render --comp <compfile>

    Execute the compositing script